Top 10 Favorite Christian Book
I am excited to share the top 10 books that have helped me mentally and spiritually grow.
Of course, I had to add my first self-published book to the list. I really found solace reading this book again when I lost my step-father. I had faced another tragedy that had me questioning if I would ever heal and how would I find hope to feel like I still had a purpose after experiencing another gut-wrenching loss. If you have faced trauma or know someone who just needs encouragement, this book is a perfect gift. The devotional book follows my traumatic childhood losing my biological father to gun violence and going through experiencing statistical issues that come with tragic trauma to beating the odds by applying wisdom from the book of proverbs to heal. The book also helps you obtain an understanding of how trauma not only affects relationships with people and ourselves but also our relationship with finances. Each chapter offers a scripture, before then after testimonial story, and prayer.
The promises of God book has have given me so much strength! This short book has helped me to focus my mind during difficult times. In 199 promises of God, there is a promise from God you can hold onto and meditate on throughout your day for mental peace and stability. On each page, a scripture is offered along with where you can find it in the Bible to study for more context regarding the meaning of the scriptures.
My Utmost for the Highest by Oswald Chambers was given to me as a gift a few years ago. This book has definitely offered me so much help for my perspective as a believer. My Utmost for the Highest is a daily devotional for every day of the year. You will receive scripture and guidance on how to apply your faith appropriately. I found it encouraging learning from this book about the importance of not being a habitual believer that gets stuck on only spending time with God at certain times of the day and in certain settings. I learned that it is important to put no limits on your communication times with Jesus. It was also refreshing to learn about the power of praying not only in formal ways but just communicating in prayer to God throughout the day by inviting God in every area of my life. There is a scripture and encouraging perspective on being a Christian for each day of the week. A great book to use for journaling and self-reflection.
Reading Pathways by Tony Evans has been a great help in my spiritual journey as a Christian learning about the sovereignty of God. Tony Evans uses the Bible Story of Esther to break down how God works through the seams of life to accomplish His will in our lives. I loved the ananlogies that Tony provided! This book is very easy to read and provides a fresh perspective about how God will use us to live out our purpose in life. Life can seem confusing, especially when you feel like you are unsure what your purpose is or unsure that you are going down the right path as a believer to live your calling. In the book Pathways Tony provides scriptures from the book of Esther, tells the story and gives practical understanding as the scholarly theologian he is by providing encouragement and stories in each chapter to help you see as a reader how God works in your life as a believer and even as a non-believer. If you are interested in learning about how God's soverignty works along with us having free-will this book helps answer those questions.
Charles Spurgeon became one of my favorite ministers and authors after diving into this book. It is a book composed of multiple books put together regarding how to pray, why to pray, how to approach God in prayer, and the importance of prayer as a believer. I grew so much in my prayer life after reading this book. Though Charles was writing this in the 1800s the things he speaks about are all so prevalent still today. He provides prayers also in this book that help you pray in times where you are not sure what to say. If you are trying to gain a better understanding of how to pray this book is a great help. Each chapter offers scriptures, a fresh outlook on prayer, and in-depth analogies that will help you understand not only how to approach God but how to listen to God. This is definitely a book that will take you a while to finish, it took me 3 years to get through it and I am still not finished because it gives you so much information to apply to your life.
Joyce Meyers helped me a lot with her practical preaching while I was waiting for my husband to come home from overseas as we went through the immigration process. I personally have gone through a lot of things such as grief, low self-esteem, and depression. When you have faced much trauma you can not only end up going down a path of self-destruction but also end up being an abuser to others. Pain can keep us from believing that we deserve anything good or believing that nothing good can happen to us. In this book, Joyce shares how to heal as a woman in the areas of self-worth. She uses scriptures and actual accounts from her own life that help you to apply a different way of life toward healing through the love of God and applying his word. If you are a woman in need of help to process your trauma Joyce helps a lot because she faced being abused by her father and was able to forgive him and had a child at a really young age. Though she was a single mother with a lot of trauma from being sexually assaulted, she was able to gain healing for her soul through the word of God that also manifested through her life. Even if you have not faced a lot of trauma this book is a great read to give you encouragement and hope if you are looking for an inspirational book about the positive possibilities beyond bad things that happen.
Honestly Keep Your Love on by Danny Silk helped save my marriage! I love this book and I love how Danny explains what we hear most people talking about these days which are love languages. I did not know I had a love language and till reading this book. My best friend was in marriage counseling and was given this book and it helped her marriage a lot. When I was going through a hard time in my marriage while my husband and I were separated due to the immigration process the long-distance of course made it hard on our relationship. We used this book to help us go through counseling together and strengthen our communication. Each night we would take turns reading a chapter and then we would discuss what we got from the chapter or we would use the ways the book discusses how to communicate with each other in regards to what we mean by things we would otherwise maybe take the wrong way. If you are looking for a book to help your relationship with your partner this is a perfect read that helped me grow in my marriage and helped establish peace in my home once my husband came home. Each chapter is full of actual stories from Danny's life and people he has known and the end of each chapter provides a prompt that you can use for your own relationship. If you would like to keep your love on definitely read this book, I also recommend Timothy Keller's book called The meaning of marriage.
Battlefield of the mind is a wonderful commentary book by Joyce Meyers that helped me when the pandemic began. I had become pregnant at the beginning of the pandemic and began working from home so there was a lot going through my mind being alone at home working each day. While reading this book and gaining a deeper perspective regarding the scriptures in the book of Psalms, I gained so much peace of mind. If you are looking for a book to help you sleep at night or to help you through the issues of life that are thrown at you suddenly, this is a great book to read. It is just the book of Psalms and Joyce breaks down the scriptures practically to show you how it applies to your everyday life.
I had no idea how many wonderful women played key parts of the Bible and till reading about the women of the Bible. In this book, you get a greater understanding of each woman in the Bible and her parts in the gospel. The author Edith Deen even goes as far as describing what they may have looked like and what they may have worn. Most importantly she explains how important their roles were in the stories they were in and how we as women can learn from those who did good and bad. We even learn about the first monogamous relationship that occurred in the Bible through the life of Rebekah who was married to Issac. Getting to know Hannah even deeper really helped strengthen my prayer life during a hard time. Hannah prayed fervently even though each year when she went to the festival where there were many mothers and children. Nevertheless, she still prayed and went each year before God blessed her to be pregnant with Samuel. Before I became well versed with the Bible I thought like many others that the Bible was dominated by men but after reading this book I was able to learn about God's love for women and how they are used in a powerful way for the gospel. If you are looking for a book that can teach you more about being a mother, wife, daughter, or woman in Christ I recommend this book.
When my husband was removed from the country suddenly, due to us not being educated regarding the immigration process I was devastated and spiritually confused. My coworker who is a great friend of mine gave me two copies of this book. I read this book on a plane while going to visit my husband and this book was such a help to healing my soul and mind. When you face devastating things in life as a believer it can be a great test of your faith. The Author loses his child which is one of the greatest pains you can ever go through and he was a pastor. Losing his daughter taught him so many new things about God and shifted his relationship to grow deeper in Christ as hard as it was. If you or you know someone who has lost a child I recommend this book as a gift to help them through that process. If you have gone through any great loss of any sort as a believer and are struggling to know how to continue to walk in faith and process your pain this book is a must-read. Through the eyes of a Lion shares a powerful story about loss and faith that also provides encouragement in each chapter through the author providing his own testimony seeing how to apply his faith in the hardest time of life.
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